Saturday, September 17, 2011

I'm still here....

Using Adam's computer seems so different. I don't have any of my pictures or anything. I just feel out of place. I could blog or do anything I could on mine, I just don't feel like it. Idk why though. But I figured I should stop by for an update. I'm still here. LOL. Nothing insightful to say though. OUr deck is slowly getting finished. Ugh. It looks good, but I'm ready for it to be done. I can't believe that Sam isn't walking yet. She stands and wobbles and claps all without holding onto anything. Just needs to take that step! Shes getting so big. At her 9 months check up she was 17.14lbs but I just weighed her the other day and she was 18.10. She was sick at her 9 months check. I think that is why she was a little lower. She is fitting into 6-9 month clothes with plenty of room to grow. We just got her 9 month pictures done and the sneek peek was ADORABLE! Can't wait to get the rest of the back. In other news, I am really hoping that we can get the "bully" situation figured out at Cam's school. Its a long story. But there is a bully and he picks on Cam. Friday was grandparents day and so Cam's grandpa and grandma's went to school with him. ONe of his grandma's said that the bully was trying to be right next to Cam but Cam didn't want him to be. Understandable. But after everything she was saying it kind of made me wonder if the bully has actually taking a liking to Cam but because of the way he has been taught by his parents he donen't know how to treat him the correct way. Idk, it makes me feel bad for this kid because I blame the parents. But at 5 years old I also feel that the kid should be able to know better. But still even if he truly does just want to be Cam's friend his actions arn't excused and I am still pursuing them with teh school. Our re-wedding is next weekend. Holy flip. I can't believe that we have been married for a year already. I think to myself a lot as to why I thought we needed to have this "real" wedding. Its been alot of work and Im starting to get stressed out about it. I am scared that I am going to run out of time on the actuall day. We'll see. But I suppose thats it for now. I'll be back when I'm back.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the wedding! I remember that my actual wedding day/ reception was so fun, despite all the work and stress that went into it. You will enjoy yourself and it'll all be worth it!!! :-)

