Saturday, June 25, 2011

I love a clean house!!!

The night before last while I was in the shower I felt the need to clean and I kept thinking about all of the things that I should clean the next day. So yestrday I woke up and I was in major cleaning mode. I didn't think I would actually want to clean like I thought the night before. But I got right to it. I called my sister-in-law and had her come over for the day. She helped withthe kids so I could just keep on cleaning. I only had to stop to feed Sam. It was great. I got everything done. I swept n mopped  all the hard surface floors, bleeched the bathroom, vaccumed carpets, organized the toy room, organized the storage room even!, LOL. I also got all of the laundry done, plus Cassy stayed here with the kids while I went and bought groceries ALONE! Isn't that what every mom wants? A trip to the store without the whole family? LOL. Sams new high chair came yesterday too! She seems to like it a lot! It matches the colors in the kitchen really well. But I think its time for me to end for the day. The computer screen is going haywire.... Can't wait to get a new one!

Me and the kiddos

That damn dog

This morning started off fine untill I pumped. I pump in our room and then take it out to the kitchen.Well this morning I didn't have enough hands to carry it all at one time. So I left 3 full bottles of milk on my night stand. (Which may I add I have done a ton of times before) and when I went back to getthem the dog had knocked one bottle over all over the bed and floor. I was so pissed I'm sure you could see flames coming from my head!!! A whole 6oz of liquid gold gone!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011 give away in my friends shop!

Heck yea I'll post about her giveaway for a chance to win. No I'm not an avid bloger, but I like to do it no and again! My friend Shawna has an Etsy shop and I am so into etsy because of her. < No suck up intended. LOL. But I initally found out about it through her. There are so many great things to find and such cute things for little miss Sam. I was actually planning on contacting Shawna to see if she would be willing to make a hat for Sam. But then I read that she is doing a giveaway. How perfect is that!?! Either way if I win or don't I will still be seeing if she will do a hat for Sam. She makes some cute stuff! Not that I have followers, but if you are passing over my blog you should check out her blog and her Etsy shop . Enjoy!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

It's been a while

I haven't been on in a while to post anything. First our computer charger broke, by the time we got a new one I would forget to add a new post untill I was done with the computer. Anyways, I am now watching my cousions kids 3 days a week over the summer. Its ok, I kinda miss not having todo anything. That makes me sound lazy I know, but I was so used to it. Cameron can now ride his bike with no training wheeles.Yay for him. Sam is sitting up really well, she still falls over sometimes. But all is well.
Adam is not like swing shift at all, its so hard on his body. I hope he get off it in the near future. I just want him to know that no matter what shift he works it will never change our relationship and I will alawys love him through and through. He is my rock and I am so blessed to have him in my life.
Cameron spent ten days with his dad and o boy was it a fun first week home. He seemingly forgot all of our rules and was quite a naughty boy. He also informed me on the way home yesterday that he has two personalitles, bad Cameron and good Cameron. He is currently bad Cameron and he said good Cameron is gone. So nice to know that my five year old has self diagnosed himself with multiple personality disorder.
Sam had he 6 month check up. She now weighs 15lbs 14.5oz and is 26 inches. A growing girl. She did so awesome with her shots. She cried during the pokes but as soon as ther nurses let go of her legs she stopped crying and as soon as I picked her up she was all smiles. What a trooper I have. Its so fun to watch her learn new things. As mentioned before she is sitting really well and she is so interested in her toys now. But she would much rather sit to play than lay on her tummy. I thought the little stinker was cutting a tooth cuz she started to get a clear runny nose but then it turned to green and she got Adam and I sick too. Stinker!!!
Well, I think that should catch it up for the most part, I'm sure there are other things I could add that I'm not thinking of right now but owell. Here are some recent pictures.

                                                             Our mini photoshoot

                                                      First time in a highchair at a restarunt
                                                                      Mr. Cameron
                                                        Riding with no training wheeles
                                                                   My two loves
                                                     Time to end the blog! Goog night!
                                                         Sam with her taggie blankie